Al Nour Library
If you are passionate about literacy, books, or creative community outreach, please connect with us!
An Open Door Library committed to serving our neighbors
تلتزم مكتبة الباب المفتوح بخدمة جيراننا
Al Nour Library is a partnership of Arab American Learning Center with Open Door Libraries (ODL).
ODL Libraries are community centers that offer a bright, welcoming environment filled with Christian books, media and other resources for adults and children. Al Nour Library is the first ODL location in the United States. Our global library network will help to uniquely serve the refugee population of Sacramento.
Al Nour Library will be a place of peace for families and individuals looking for resources or a space for quiet study. We will provide reading resources for people in primarily English, as well as their native language (Arabic & Farsi). We plan to shape a culture of community around shared activities, love for learning, and friendship.
“Al Nour” in Arabic means “the Divine Light”. It is our prayer that people will see the Divine Light of Jesus, as they participate in the library and other services at AALC.
Library Staff
John’s background in teaching and missions has equipped him to lead. With his wife, Eileen, something something.
Eva believes that libraries offer a gateway to new ideas. She and her husband Cason are passionate about cross cultural relationships and treasure the opportunity to serve at AALC.
Cathy has experience with public libraries and creating church libraries. She has been a key guiding member of our team since 2020.
Nicole is currently pursuing her MLIS. She works for the Roseville Public Library and spends her free time gaming and reading!
Literacy Leads to Love
The beginnings of Al Nour Library.
Organizing Books. We take donations!
Our renovated space ready for visitors.